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2014 - What's Happening

On March 2 the CMBC board held a meeting to decide what events to run in 2014 and how we would make those events happen. We were looking for your input - not only your ideas but also your time and energy to make them happen. Unfortunately, no one outside the board attended this meeting. We love our bike community and we hope that you love us too but we are struggling with trying to run events and activities without having a corps of volunteers who can help the board out. We are working on ways to identify volunteers and we plan to ask you more directly for help this coming year. So be prepared to hear from your friendly CMBC board member in the coming months. And if you have any ideas or feedback on how we can better make use of your time, please let us know. We take input through our facebook page, our email or just by talking to one of us in person.

That said, we did determine, at our March 2 meeting, what things we feel we need to do and what we want to do for 2014.

Need/Must/Will do: Advocacy - We want to secure recreational opportunities and trail access for off-road cyclists in the Whitehorse area. We do this by communicating with the City and participating on various boards and groups such as the Trails and Greenways Committee. Membership - There is no club without people so we will continue working to build our numbers and serve our members. Trail Work - Stewardship, maintenance, and building new. Tied to our advocacy work, we know that members individually assist with clean up and maintenance of our system and the club plans to organize trail work nights again this season. 24 Hours of Light - Now in our 14th year, this has become an event that Yukonners expect will happen. Join in the fun on June 28-29, 2014. Yukon XC Championships - For a number of years this has been the King of the Canyon race but really, they could be a bit more XC and a bit less marathon. The event will happen on August 24, 2014 but format is to be determined.

Want to do: Group Rides - both Dirt Girls and a club ride. We need people to lead these! Boogaloo to Boreale (b2b) DH Race - Need a lead for this race, someone to take it on Cyclocross Race - Or maybe even a series? Summer Kick-off Event Clara's Big Ride - can we connect with this event somehow? Support the Cottonwood - volunteer with Parks Canada again this year? Skills Clinic - Work with Grant Owen again Bike Maintenance Workshop - would be cool if we could offer one or two DH Clinic 5+Hours of Light - a great event made possible by Biathlon Yukon's facilities. Dog-friendly Endurance Rides - A King of the Canyon with dogs! Gear Swap/Garage Sale So check the Event Calendar for date details and please get in touch with us if any of the events on the Want to do list are things you want to see happen this season. We need your help.





Whitehorse, Yukon Territory

Mailing Address:

Contagious Mountain Bike Club
4061 4th Avenue
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 1H1


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