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Join our AGM on Monday, November 18!

Hey Members!

This is an invitation to our Annual Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held at l'AFY on November 18th, between 6:00-9:00pm! Your participation is important as we need your vote on multiple initiatives mentioned below. There will be food and a cash bar as always!

During this evening we will...

1. Elect our board members

In addition to some returning board members, we are looking for new volunteers! Giving back to the biking community is sooo rewarding and fun! Time commitment is about one board meeting a month (~2 hours) and between 1 to 5 hour(s) a week of volunteering.

Current open positions: – 1 Communication Director – 2 Directors at Large

Alternatively, we always welcome “multi-tools” to the board – these are folks who aren’t officially voting board members (Directors), but who stay on our board email list and often join us at board meetings, to be the first to help out where they can, when they can.

Not able to commit to monthly board meetings? Not that in to talking to people and helping out at events (although I promise we are super fun!)? We have lots of small tasks that can allow you to volunteer for the mountain bike community from the comfort of your own home! If you have a bit of time to spare to help us keep up with things like checking emails, picking up snail mail, organizing online documents and photos, and maintaining a website, join us at our AGM or email to let us know. We appreciate any and all volunteer contributions!

2. Pass two special resolutions

The CMBC board will be seeking to pass two special resolutions at the AGM:

To waive the review of our financial statements for 2020 by a professional accountantTo replace our current bylaws. The current bylaws, which are those set out in Schedule A of the Societies Regulation ( will be replaced entirely with the new bylaws you can find here.

3. Announce the Volunteer of the Year/Chris McNeill Trail Steward of the Year

Do you have anyone in mind that deserves recognition for their dedication to volunteering with the club, or building and/or maintaining our biking trails? Every year we award a Volunteer of the Year and a Trail Steward of the Year. If you would like to make a nomination, please send it to info@cmbcyukon.caFor more info on the Chris McNeill Trail Steward award: please visit this page:

4. Review 2019 activities and finances

5. Movie Screening

We will be screening the new Anthill Films movie, Return to Earth (check out the trailer here:

See you then,



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